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Pastafarism of Marseille
Pastafarism of Marseille
Pastafarism of Marseille
  • Pastafarism of Marseille in english. In 2005 Bobby Henderson creates a new religion in reaction to the institution of the teaching of the intelligent design in class of sciences in Kansas. This blog tells the events of this monstrous adventure.
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30 décembre 2009

Pasta Démonstration (III Suite)

to see too : Démonstrations Pasta-Pirates I.

Démonstrations Pasta-Pirates II

Pirates & pastafaris on a binge



   1. Pub Atheists in Great Britain, Spain, Italia
   2. Pirate carnaval at Dunkerque.
   2. The Pope arrested in England
   3. Beer flu : Chicoutimi ( Quebec)

Legalizacion de la Iglesia Pastafari en España  
por jcarlosn el 05-05-2010 12:54 UTC publicado el 05-05-2010 14:20 UTC par jcarlosn le 05.05.2010 publié le 05/05/2010 12h54 14h20

La iglesia pastafari, cuyo dios es el FSM (Monstruo Espagueti Volador), está en proceso de legalizarse como religión en España, ya se ha presentado la solicitud ante el ministerio de justicia, para su inscripción en el Registro de Entidades Religiosas. Además, se ha abierto un blog donde se va informando de los progresos en el largo camino de conseguir que el pastafarismo sea una religión oficial y aceptada.  Los autores afirman que aunque se lo denieguen, continuarán insistiendo hasta que el FSM sea respetado

The Church Pastafari, of which Deïté is the FSM (Monstruo Espagueti Volador) is in process of legalization as religion in Spain, it presented its request for the ministry of justice, to be registered as religious entity. It also opened a blog, where it will report you its progress on the long road to reach that the pastafarisme is officially accepted as religion.. The authors assert that, even if it is rejected., Pirat_fish_spainThey will continue to insist until the FSM is respected.

Voir le forum sur la question traduit en Français >>


It is on! Spanish know how to take the bull by the horns!

Esta misma mañana hemos elevado a escritura pública en una notaría de Madrid  el Acta  Fundacional y los Estatutos de la Iglesia Pastafari, y esta misma tarde enviaremos al Ministerio de Justicia la solicitud de inscripción de nuestra santa Iglesia en el Registro de Entidades Religiosas. La legalización en España de la verdadera religión está en camino.

This very morning we removed a form in a notary's practice of Madrid for the Act of Foundation and the Statuses of the Church Pastafari, and in the afternoon we shall send to the Ministry of Justice the demand of inscription of our saint Église in the Register of the Religious Entities. The legalization in Spain of the real religion is on the way... 

We Want / Queremos

  • Profesores de pastafarismo en las escuelas, pagados por el estado.
  • Pastafarian teachers in schools, paid by the State.
  • Obispos pastafaris en los cuarteles, con rango de oficial y pagados por el estado.
  • Our pastafarian bishops in barracks, with the rank of officer and paid by the State. 
  • Representantes pagados por el estado en los comités éticos de todos los hospitales del estado.
  • Representatives paid by the State in the committees of ethics of all the hospitals of the State.
  • Casilla en la declaración de la renta 
  • Our compartment of exemption in our statement of income
  • Programas en las televisiones públicas gratuitos.
  • Programs on the free public channel
  • Que el estado mantenga nuestros templos, los limpie, los ropare, que nos ceda parcelas en el centro de las ciudades.
  • That the State maintains our temples, cleans them and repairs, as well as plots of land in the centres-city. 
  • Que nos subvencionen colegios privados laicos mediante el método de concertado.
  • Private laic schools subsidized by the appropriate method.
  • Un concordato para despedir a nuestros trabajadores y que las idemnizaciones las pague el estado.
  • An agreement on our workers, and that their payments face the object of Compensations of the state.
  • Y la visita a España de nuestro representante en la Tierra, Y EL PROFETA , Bobby Henderson, el rango es el de un jefe de Estado pagados por el Estado.
  • And that the visit in Spain of our representative on Earth, AND PROPHET, Bobby Henderson, is to the rank of that of head of state paid by the state

En resumen: queremos 5.000 millones de euros al año nosotros también.

In summary: we want 5.000 million euro a year too.

Is the secularism in France really worth being defended ?



What a shame ! The non-believers advertise in England

" There is probably no God. Then do not worry any more and enjoy your life. ". The message is deployed on 800 buses of London and in all the country, during four weeks (in January, 2010). A campaign introduced by the association of the British humanists, irritated by the religious campaigns which promise to the non-believers hell and damnation for their sins. It is not a question of proselytizing for the atheism, just of reassuring the unbelievers and the agnostics. Many of the other persons do not believe and do not go only better, troublefree and without god. 


The idea was born in Great Britain in 2008, with the British journalist Ariane Sherine, outraged by the presence of religious advertisements on the buses of London. She issues then an appeal to the donations on the site of the daily paper The Guardian. The " campaign of the atheistic bus " collected 150 000 euro, while some thousands were expected. Of what to make a national campaign and a good media stunt.   

Since, this campaign propagates in Barcelona, soon in Madrid, in Genoa, where the atheists club together to make their ideas circulate on buses. I look forward to seeing it in the buses of the RATP (PARIS PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM), and am ready to give some € for it;-) 


It is not harmless that this campaign leaves Europe, in the process of advanced secularization.
In deconsecrated Europe where the politics became laic, the religious wars appear of another time so much they decimated the continent, until there is not so for a long time in Ireland …

YArgh ! this athéists !

But it is not grave: " IT is not vain. "


Pirates and giants at the Spring fest DUNKERQUE-GLACIS-VICTOIRE. (24 4 2010)


The edition 2010 of the fest of the Spring will begin with a procession in all the district.

A boat, pirates and giants are announced …

To the program

10:30 am: disentangled with the Pirates de Rosendaël of Victoire towards the community center ;

brocante rues du Jaguar et de l’Adroit ;

rallye avec la maison de quartier, stand de pêche aux canards et de jardinières, bar à eau ;

tournoi de foot sur le convisport.

And also walks in carriage, pirate's castle, inflatable structures, concert of songs of sailors with Dukes d' Albe, spot restoration (chip shop, drinks).

Dunkerque puts hands the place setting after its Monstrous carnival (at the end of February), which is always a good opportunity to pirate the reason: It returns with the pirates of Rosendaël there (intéressant cliquez sur le titre du post pour plus de précisions) Some photos of the carnival of February:


Papal visit in England :

Ratzinger_arrestThe British scientist Richard Dawkins ( distinguished Pastafari) and the American-British author Christopher Hitchens seized the British justice and the International Criminal Court ( CPI) of The Hague to make pope Benoît XVI stop(arrest) for "crimes against humanity", on the occasion of his visit in the United Kingdom, after the charges according to which he would have covered the schemes of pedophile priests.

Let us remind that if pope Benoit is horrified by all this, cardinal Joseph, vaticanish person in charge of the sex scandals then, had especially worked to suppress the affairs.

So, the ex dictator Pinochet had been arrested on British ground, on international mandate, and the ex-secretary israëlienne, Tzipi Livni, had of to suspend a journey In UK after a deposit of plain of a Palestinian association.

But as head of state in function the Pope is covered (really? He goes out covered now?), by the diplomatic immunity.

Not vindictive Pastafarians are pressed in his passage to make him a customized welcome.



But let us not fire at the ambulance! (The moussailon musket thus reload I!)
The poor man suffers a great deal of the situation, and joins his congregation to his suffering. (They like suffering at the Christian's so much that we wonder if it is no enjoyment for them).
In brief, it is the test which sends them the Lord. A kind soul could remind them that they are not the cat's whiskers, and that in this case it is not to them that fell the test, but indeed to the victims of the pedophiles flatware by the hierarchy. For little, they would steal from them the star... It is the same logic: the pedophiles do not both hurt the young victims, and especially the Church: the Church cashes the blow carried by the aggressors, as before it defended itself against the threat of the scandal carried by them. The young victims " ah yes! Euh... We are very sad for them obviously... "
Well, has a century there, they would maybe have tried to say that it was the test which God sent to the victims to try their faith!!! See that they were responsible for it by the blackness of their soul (a priest thus think of tempting, needs to be the devil personally!) but a adviser of the Holy See slid him in the auricle that There, that was not going to make it.

Yes, we would have almost bad consciousness to fire at the ambulance, by instrumenting the sufferings of the victims (Ah great victims of cathos!), yuk!
But all the same, it is the church which does not hesitate to look of moral and sexual rigorous lessons massively. The minimum had been that it began by giving the example. And it is normal that we pointed out it to its. See that we take advantage of it to dig the ditch with a destroyer of morality, who did not stop recanting for centuries, sowing terror and sadness for it.
The weapon of the threat is always there, by a psychological pressure of terrorist type: the hell watches for you! To suppose that your God is only love, you are there only mediocre interpreters, without any more legitimacy.

Some people accuse the celibacy of the priests, as if good husbands and idéaaux heads of family were not regularly arrested for pedophilia. No, for the pedophile pervert, what counts above all it is to take some influence on the spirit of l " other, to feed on prohibitions, on contritions, on secrets imposed by terrorist quibbles, on mortiferous thoughts that we impose to the other one; and there, the monks make generally very hardly!

I shall go so far as to say that even if there is beautiful souls in the religions, they have nevertheless all which can attract the basic pervert towards them. The person in charge of the sect of Mandarom (France) has been supposed to be in justice for sexual abuse, including on minors, quite as Harun Yahya the famous Turkish creationist). There are constants the religions of which have to protect themselves...


The contrition of Joseph is here only to resume(to take back) better the hand the past thunderstorm... No, it is not because a story of pedophilia. We distrust those who hide behind deities, to impose us their morbid tastes, it is everything..

Are masochists? The big good made them. But do not come to walk on the feet of other under pretext which God would have told you to make it !).
Then yes! We shall not miss your skids as long as there will be gay people victims of your demonizations, sufferings AIDS SUFFERERS to have demonized the condom, doctors and private hospitals abortionists under protective measures, etc., etc.... And especially as long as you will claim to be able to impose your mortiferous views to the others.
Make that you want of your lives, but leave quiet those who deviate cheerfully from you.
We have even no points of view, and plan to assert that the only Real Safety is in the flying Spaghetti Monsterism.    Râmen.

libreMarseille, sixième lunaison de l'an de gras 5005                                 à l'EQMSV

Que la Pasta soit en vous.

Our congregation from Marseille of the Just Fundamentalist Pastafarian Revival worries about the current situation of the region of Chicoutimi ( Quebec). The region has indeed Just been touched by the " Beer flu ". We detected this last about fifteen a traffic of connections upper to Quebec and Montreal , combined (seriously: Saint-Fulgence Chicoutimi Joncquière Alma Roberval several times a day) there

A cordon sanitaire would have been raised by the authorities to try to check its distribution.

Of the fact, we are afraid of a lack of supply in Pastas, bolognese, and barrels of beer for this winters (Our Indian shaman: " winters rough "). We organized a collection on Marseille and its region, and alerted our other congregations, to send a humanitarian aid of first urgency with the aim of the next "collision" of the blockade before the first snows.We are anxious to support this Touched community in this test.

Heuu... slowly with the connections: a too intense mystic bulimia in first time(weather) can end in "Spaghettification", which requires a certain control(master's degree) of la¨Pasta " all the same.

Bien à votre Pasta

Yves Forban et son équipage...

perdu ? la carte aux trésors




I love the picture of the bus and what's written on it...