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Pastafarism of Marseille
Pastafarism of Marseille
Pastafarism of Marseille
  • Pastafarism of Marseille in english. In 2005 Bobby Henderson creates a new religion in reaction to the institution of the teaching of the intelligent design in class of sciences in Kansas. This blog tells the events of this monstrous adventure.
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30 décembre 2009

Demonstrations Pirates and Pâsta: really!


Salud, dineros, y Pâsta en la braguetta (Spanish, a little bit macho traditional salute)

This forum aims at informing the community of the vitality always renewed by our faith, through demonstrations(appearances) (small or big) of the movement. In your feathers...

For example: " both Pastafaraïs of Trimuddly The Gooses met in the summit (bar grocer's shop at the top of the village) to share their Tentacly forward plannings. The meeting being dissolved in the vapors of rum, it was postponed weekly next, around a volcano of beer at Pierrot ".

In brief, news more or less serious of what it passes between Pastafarians, and between Pastafaraïs and uninitiated.

That Its Spatial Noodlyness makes drunk your spirit by touched sound Céleste.

Before any things, We often ask us how we adhere, how we become Pastafari, There Is an initiatory rite etc. etc....

Pastafarian_pubWe do not become Pastafarian: we feel that we are by Its noodly touch: Attention, that can be very discreet, Its Impalpable Discretion is invisible almost all the time).

There is no official membership, neither a church hard, nor a priest. Pâsta Master becomes it by them even: by a long and deep introspection which brings them by a personal progress to the ancestral divinatory arts. There is no hierarchy in cleanly spoken: any néophite can bring sometimes more that Pâsta Master of most crazily wise person.

The rites of bases are very simple: plate of pasta on Fridays with a bandana and a belt more two three formulae of gratitude. After your internal progress towards the illumination will bring you to embroider freely your faith around the theme.

Some shall satisfy with telling stories of Spaghetti Flying to whom wants to hear him, the others of meetings in pirates in the restaurant from time to time, the others to hang on flags pirates in the most improbable places, the others to Demonstrate for the Secularism, or for the bigger religious fervour (Pasta!), to Petition, etc. To meet it is to enjoy exchanging productive frenzies, it is not necessarily to follow them all.. 

touch_noodly_appentageFinally know that Its Omniscient Ingenuity wants to force no line of conduct: in each the road. Nevertheless, IT would feel reluctant at the fact that we made certain things on Its behalf. And he allowed to express some wishes on this matter to avoid falling in sectarian drift to see:

Eight Condiments

Alea pesto est                                Râmen

Pastafarian marriage in France : San Kukai

(Bordeaux ?) pour les détails : Sainte Eglise du monstre en Spaghetti volant

stephen_at_weddingIt is relatively difficult to find rites of wedding celebrations authentically dating pirates of XVIIIth s which made explicitly reference to the Monster in Flying Spaghetti. And, when it is the case, are often missing the essential pages, torn away unintentionally by the hook of the officiating priest.

It is also possible to celebrate him(it) on a ship: the Cat'tain being authorized to celebrate marriages (to record on the logbook). A collision is required at the end of ceremony to complete the wedding list: more the booty is big, better are the fortune-tellers as for this union!

Heck in Saint Barbe (Hold with powder)! Can their union be eternally wiped      Râmen

7/3/09 LCP

LCP (Channel of the Parliament) organized a debate on the contesting of the Darwinism by the creationists in its broadcast " That looks at you " of 7/3/09.
Now no Pastafarian was present on the "plateau" to carry the contradiction!... A scandal which we owe denounce.
Indeed, the rationalist have no vocation to be answered the creationists (deceived that they are by the false proofs of the Flying Spaghetti Monster). We shall admit nevertheless that they can assert their point of view (les pôôvres).
But Pastafarians are the only ones to be able to carry the contradiction in a relevant way to the creationists, both on the shape and on the bottom.
To discuss learnedly and seriously their faith is to return them in a domain (rational, and learned) which is not theirs, ours yes. Pastafarism is the only real interlocutor to be for the level where is situated creationism, both on the relevance of the speech and on the connections between faith and science), and especially with the same seriousness.
MSV7I thus invite all distinguished Pastafarians and Pâsta Master of France, Navarre, and the other "Francophonies", to exploit this point of view on it limps to message of the the aforementioned broadcast(emission,issue): type GOOGLE " LCP DARWINISME " expression " ça vous regarde" to reach the road of the site.

May Its Noodlyness touch you.


Censored Pastafarian!

To participate in the forum of LCP it is necessary to ask for a login which we receive automatically by email. Now this login did not still reach me (1 month 1/2!).
It is manifestly about a censorship targeted by Pastafarism in this case...
It is to say in what a point they are afraid of the lights of The supreme Revelation!

Nouille y soit qui mal y pense.        *noodle



Pastafarism bursts in the bank of the poor men!

Plus ? cliquez sur l'image :

joinkiva_nPulled by the USA Today.

NAme of a destroyed storeroom! Burst the hunger! Traines Old slippers!

ATo really help "the last and the least" do you have to focus on "the lost" as well?

Maybe not -- if you go by the statistics at Kiva, the international internet person-to-person micro-lending site where it appears that folks with no religion are spirited participants in efforts to uplift the world's poorest.

Kiva, which kicked off in 2005, is a global force in orchestrating small loans to individual whose business successes ripple through the lives of their families and communities. Forbes once described it as mixing the "entrepreneurial daring of Google with the do-gooder ethos of Bono...


argent_82   According to the Associated Press, Kiva has raised more than $75 million for nearly 200,000 individuals in 44 countries and, this June, expanded the ranks of eligible entrepreneurs to struggling small businesses in the United States.

Last year Kiva added a gimmick for encouraging folks to lend (and re-lend once their original $150 or so has been repaid) through competition. There are teams by organized dozens of ways including special interest groups, churches, businesses and more.

And who's whomping the crowd overall?

 In first place, with $761,975 loaned -- Atheists, Agnostics, Skeptics, Freethinkers, Secular Humanists and the Non-Religious "committed to caring about suffering." Next in the listings: Kiva Christians ($519,725), followed by Team Obama ($408,500).

pirate_flag_1Sort by "Religious Congregations" to find that, topping Kiva Mormons ($57,425) and Kiva Catholics ($59,625) is the squadron devoted to the The Flying Spaghetti Monster ($81,725) who sign on to give because "Thou shalt share, that none may seek without finding." Unfamiliar with the FSM parody "pastafarianism"? Check it out here.

DO YOU THINK... giving can be faith-free and still have "values?"

 Les fans de la FSM sont parmi les leaders de la micro-finance des prêts à concurrence de l'équipe Kiva.

AArrrgh! Gallions that relates to the modern Robin Hood!

Give or not, the volcano of beer is has you anyway!


Yves Forban in his relentless fight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . against the global warming . . . . . . in the collision of a gatou that in the good "boffi" sight (?)


forban_fsm_0A reliable barometer for a precise measure of our action on the climate


Pastafari owes be armed well: of the very flashy Obsessive-compulsive disorder:



Her name, in him the same evocation of one an Irish beer, already smells sweetly the pâsta paradise, Brian Killian, student, was suspended by his grammar school of Weaverville for if to be dressed in pirate.

brian_killianThe student, the follower of the religion Pastafarianism deduced that to be dressed in pirate was a religious choice, and that thus this was an infringement has its spiritual freedom, and of expression of its faith.

We shall admit that the Yankees push the cork a little bit far sometimes in their demonstrations: a front taste of paradise Pastafari.



Let us not forget that we live in godless lands: either the authorities do not still include the sense of our action, or they understand it only too indeed. In spite of the secularism impose us a certain reserve in our religious outer signs in public institutions (France): discreet signs are tolerated.

Martyr is not our cup of tea ( our plate of pasta ) in pâstariori.

carbo diem... Râmen.

Cap'tain Paul Watson,

a pirate to save whales  Ten cast or harmed ships. Here is the total number of kills of the biggest freebooter of the XXIth century, the captain Paul Watson. « Pirate environmentalist », « eye of the sperm whale » or "eco-warlike", Watson is an activist who struggles for maintenance and protection of marine fauna by hunting on all seas ships whalers and killers of dolphins and of seals.


Paul Watson is born in 1950 in Canada and he was one of the actors of foundation of the assocation Greenpeace. Having served ONG some years, it leaves it in 1977 because he thinks it is too careful. Enthralled and determiné, Paul Watson understands that in maintenance of environment, sometimes, pacifism changes nothing in will of States, and he likes to enter a more marked activism. For it, it creates the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. And neither arrests, nor troubles of prison succeeded in making it change the mind. Paul Watson follows his conflict. for maintenance and protection of marine fauna by hunting on all seas ships whalers and the killers of dolphins and seals.

Countries as Norway, Japan, Iceland or Russia, afterwards several periods of wavering, decided to follow massacres of whales which are killed for their grease which serves in fabricate cosmetic products. As for the rest of remains and of the carcass, everything is thrown because the consumption of the meat of whale is not any more of actuality. And even if the owners of a shipping company have to contract one very costly insurance, this useless hunt persists. Having helped by his sailors loaded on board of his fleet, Paul Watson therefore decided of follow the boats which dispel underground whales. For arraisonner the enemy vessels, Watson made install 18 tonnes of concrete in the prow of the ships and some pikes which allow of tear the cockle of whalers or to harm the mechanisms which make divert nets. Planted on the same prow, a flag pirates which is the emblem of its association.


Pirate therefore the captain Watson. But a pirate who attacks only the whalers which violate right international. Those who have tendency to introduce it as a terrorist, Watson answers carefully why he chose the piracy as mode of action: "Our estrangement ok the respect of nature will be complete if we continue exterminating these nice unique giants in the world. The truth is that if we cannot save whales, we shall not be able to escape ourselves. ”
His assets, several other activities has. During hunt to the infants seals, it combed the fur of the animals in rose to return it useless with the eyes of the poachers. It is also it which lends his boats in the authorities of Galapagos so that they can be on patrol on coasts. Paul Watson understood that it was necessary to mediatize his actions to earn public opinion.
Paul Watson continues therefore skimming waters of the globe to make stop this illegal hunt because it constitutes a crime for him against Nature and counters the humanity.

That Great Crick Crunches you, old pirate, and leads you across sky to the endless volcano.


The site of the pirate :




Yves "Forban"and his acolytes left in collision of l 'isle of Frioul of Marseille, here we double his last defences: the Castle d 'If.



 Where Its Monstrosity had soon makes his nest:



Malheureusement too late to save "the " sardine (having blocked the old harbour in the past). This colossal already put out kind.


Tract de la Très Sainte Eglise Réformée de Marseille : tract

Demonstration anti - Scientology Berlin 2008



Aude M.   Pirates in the Parliament European!


Le Pirat Parti  swedish (Left pirate) has really just acquired a seat of euro-deputy on the 18 granting in the Sweden! At general surprise besides, it was 7,1 %. Program is centered on the free distribution of the online documents and an overhaul of right of author.

With the tiny treaty of Lisbon: the pirates will acquire a second seat even in 2010! And for the next elections of 2014, the German pirates will perhaps succeed in crossing too in the collision. Ils comes catch to be 0,9 %, suffisement to acquire one public financing and a day of seats!


Etats Unis toujours

StandforStandfordd :

Demonstration against war in Iraq:

pastafarians_vs_warWar_Against MANIF_PASTAvacation


"Total" vient de faire un grand pas vers le Pastafarisme 

Néanmoins il convient de rester prudent, chacun s'accordera à penser qu'il lui reste un "sacré" bout de chemin à parcourir.

 Price of “ Shadok of gold ” in multinational Total



Multinational Total has just accepted the Price of “ Shadok of gold ” in the category “ lasting Development of capitalism ”, for sound plan of catchment and geological stocking of CO2 in the basin of Lacq in the southwest of France …

When multinational Complete, pump oil thank you, pomp with money in the pomp and big polluter (the West of France knows something about it and worldwide climate also) wants to stock of CO2 in Lacq. The snail of Europe Reduction awards him deserved Shadok of gold of “ Why to make simple when they can make complicated? ”.

While we know any that it's so simple of wear a suit of pirate there.

With this find in Lacq, it is a question of making a true "permanent" (relooking) in the lasting development of capitalism. This ruffles hair so much to make a green colour which this makes mourn to laugh the objectors of growth.

La solution face au problème du réchauffement climatique, c’est le changement radical de nos modes de vie. Il est nécessaire de sortir de cette société techno-scientiste basée sur le pétrole et cette croyance qu’une croissance infinie dans un monde limité est possible. D’après le PDG de Total Allemagne, Michel Mallet, il ne nous reste que 20 ans de pétrole au rythme de consommation effréné actuel.martigue0

So in the south of l 'étang of Berre, in La Merde (pardon... "La Mède") Total has its plant which contaminates in ten kilometres in the round dance: A terror. Total n 'y has never implemented means to produce a tiny bit respecting neighbourhood. Martigue, small neighbouring Venice, jewel, has the most polluting of France l 'air. But since rafineries abounds in the corner, each returns the bullet by hiding behind industrial necessities, as though an industry which makes billions could not produce clean.

Comptant sur sur votre coopération pour dénoncer les écotartufferies des multinationales.

Empesto (let us stink), ergo sum as they say at total



travail1Yves Forban at the job in the annual Fiesta. Offered stand: The card in treasure where each must work his spacialisation and its imagination, more some photographs of midgets in pirate's costume (Goonies not published: They have éthic really). We are in topic. No proselytizing, just an ambience of delightful holiday. Incidentally

the climatic warming has distinctly tranquilized towards evening...         Comme quoi !

Further to this decisive action, a colleague has told me, he wanted to give a holiday with topic, my pirate's costume having rained him, it will be on freebooting. It m 'a asked to lend him the costume of pirate with the flag pirates... And you ask me s 'il be going to re-snow next year hereabouts of Marseilles!

Les desseins du  Grand Forban sont impénétrables...    Râmen.


Fremont, California, Solstice Parade 2009 



. . . 

perdu ? la carte aux trésors                      carte4

Fête des Pâtes-riz-arches





m_troLe réseau "Transilien" de la région "Ile de France" se convertit au pastafarisme

Voici le plan du futur réseau délivré au Forum Social pour une Métropole-solidaire :


En attendant d'être transporté par l'allégresse par son touché sauceux :

 Louée soit  Notre Rêveuse  Eternitude en Retard (d'un métro)


 UK Pirate party A. Mugnier août 09

Le UK Pirate party, proche du Parti pirate suédois, a été officiellement reconnu le 11 août comme parti politique par les autorités britanniques, et pourra donc présenter des candidats aux législatives de 2010. Entretien avec son président, Andrew Robinson, un graphiste de 40 ans qui a commencé à s'intéresser au droit d'auteur en tant que musicien amateur.

P_P_UKQuelles sont les principales positions du Parti pirate britannique ?

Il y a trois sujets sur lesquels nous nous concentrons, et qui tous ont un rapport avec le fait que pour nous, le droit britannique est en retard sur son temps et n'a pas su s'adapter aux évolutions technologiques. Nous demandons une réforme des lois sur les brevets et le droit d'auteur pour réduire les pouvoirs des ayants droit ; une meilleure protection de notre liberté d'expression ; et la fin de la surveillance et du fichage abusifs mis en place par le gouvernement. Nous ne défendons pas l'abolition du droit d'auteur, mais nous pensons qu'il doit être adapté.

L'une de vos dernières campagnes s'intitule "légalisez 'Joyeux anniversaire' "...

D'après la loi britannique, vous devez théoriquement verser des royalties à la Recording Industry Association of America pour avoir le droit de chanter "Happy birthday to you". La chanson est soumise au droit d'auteur jusqu'en 2030 ! Pour nous, c'est une des preuves que le droit d'auteur, dans sa forme actuelle, est inadapté à notre société, et est exagérément favorable aux grandes entreprises. En moyenne, la durée des droits d'auteur augmente de plus d'un an chaque année : si cette tendance se poursuit, aucune œuvre ne tombera plus jamais dans le domaine public.

Vous utilisez le même logo et le même nom que les Partis pirates suédois et allemand. S'agit-il d'un seul et même parti décliné dans plusieurs pays ?

Non, nous sommes des partis différents, mais avec des buts communs. Nous ne sommes pas officiellement liés, mais nous partageons une certaine vision politique. Nous sommes de petits partis : comme nos homologues allemands, nous tablons sur environ cinq mille membres d'ici l'an prochain.

Un net recul du réchauffement climatique est en vue dans le nord ouest européen d'après les climatologues

Pastae humanum est                Râmen



Après une campagne de Lobbying intense de nos consPIRATEurs,

le Centre commercial Grand Littoral se convertit au Pastafarisme :


