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Pastafarism of Marseille
Pastafarism of Marseille
Pastafarism of Marseille
  • Pastafarism of Marseille in english. In 2005 Bobby Henderson creates a new religion in reaction to the institution of the teaching of the intelligent design in class of sciences in Kansas. This blog tells the events of this monstrous adventure.
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25 février 2010

Pastas !

Pastas !
V th millenium ante J.C. : In the zone of current China, there are testimonies of similar products in pastas. (Another manipulation of the Monster on the dating). II th millenium ante J.C. : Noodles of the néolitique found in china. To Lajia on Yellow...
29 décembre 2009

Pastafarism ! what about that, that this ?

Pastafarism ! what about that, that this ?
You are free to read or not what follows : It can seriously affect your mental health What Pastafariansm ? In 2005, the state of KANSAS decrees the compulsory teaching of the creationism (the creation of the world inherited from the Bible), in parallel...