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Pastafarism of Marseille
Pastafarism of Marseille
Pastafarism of Marseille
  • Pastafarism of Marseille in english. In 2005 Bobby Henderson creates a new religion in reaction to the institution of the teaching of the intelligent design in class of sciences in Kansas. This blog tells the events of this monstrous adventure.
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16 juillet 2012

Relativity & Cosmology Pasta (part 3)

Relativity & Cosmology Pasta (part 3)
Relativity has its limits: in mathematics Pasta, any repository is valid in principle. But as soon as it enters the concrete, Noodly Touch muddies. As if sciences Påstås all repositories are equal, there are nevertheless more equal than others. So for...
25 mars 2010

the center of the world : the Mount Midjet (Bobby)

the center of the world : the Mount Midjet (Bobby)
At the beginning thus the center of the world was the earth, then it was the ballot of the sun, then the center of the galaxy of the center of our galactic heap, him the same bend around a center of some heap, etc. The more we look and the less we find....
30 décembre 2009

Pasta Démonstration (III Suite)

Pasta Démonstration (III Suite)
to see too : Démonstrations Pasta-Pirates I. Démonstrations Pasta-Pirates II Pirates & pastafaris on a binge 0. 1. Pub Atheists in Great Britain, Spain, Italia 2. Pirate carnaval at Dunkerque. 2. The Pope arrested in England 3. Beer flu : Chicoutimi (...
23 avril 2011

The French-style atheism

The French-style atheism
Many French pastafarians are atheistic or agnostic converts (see of established confessions: Jewish Catholics a Muslim etc.). To understand indeed how they arrive there there, it is necessary to replace them in the context. At first French come from the...
21 décembre 2011

Faith and Secularism in west

Faith and Secularism in west
Or more exactly between "ancient" and "new" world. Further to the religious wars, Europe stands out in religious spheres of influence mono confessional stemming from the advent of the Protestantism in front of Catholicism. These zones of infuences are...
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